You want to become a member of the photocommunity? First, you need to register for free.
It can be done very simply over the registration page. As soon as you insert your information, e.g., username, email address and password, you obtain a confirmation email. After activating this email you become a photocommunity member. You can now use the photocommunity free of charge and you are a Free Member of the community. As a Free Member, you have access to our feature rich offer. Some functions remain reserved for premium users.
Because of this and as a thank you for your trust, we will give you a 14-day Trial Membership*, which is similar to a Premium Membership. You will have the status of a paid Premium Account and thus access to many of our features for 14 days. Do you want to keep your Premium status and all its benefits? Then simply upgrade your account anytime.
The Trial Membership is very similar to our “World” Premium Membership but for the following exceptions: limited access to the Nudes sectionand to certain discussion forums. This is reserved to our paying Premium members. With the Trial Membership, you are given limited access to our Nudes section, for instance to overview pages. To gain full view access to our Nudes section, at least a Basic Membership is required.