Every day we receive requests from publishers and agencies wishing to acquire the rights to use the photos in the fotocommunity. If you want to find out whether and under which conditions you can obtain the rights to use the images you wish, please refer to itself in direct contact with the respective photographers. This simplifies the procedure for you and avoids misunderstandings. You have to register in the fotocommunity. Participation is free for you.
The fotocommunity itself has simple utilization rights for the purpose of presentation of the pictures on our website. All other rights to the images, use and exploitation rights are still only at the photographers, authors, in this case. The fotocommunity has no right to show the images otherwise than on their own sites, and even then only as long as the respective image authors would like to see the image on display. So the fotocommunity simply provides the playing platform and not mediated between image viewers, interests or photographers.