About fotocommunity coupons

You can buy gift cards for basic, pro, or world memberships for yourself, give them, or have them given to you.

A coupon cannot be redeemed for a membership if the person using the coupon already has an active subscription that automatically renews itself in the selected time period, and which he has paid for using PayPal or ClickandBuy. In this case, you must cancel the subscription, and the coupon can’t be applied until the subscription has been canceled for payment. If payment for the subscription was made to us via direct withdrawal or using a credit card directly, please contact customer support and have your coupon redeemed there.

Each coupon is valid for 3 years (and therefore must be applied within 3 years, since it expires otherwise) and is transferable as you like as long as not otherwise specified. It is a code that you receive via e-mail once your payment has been processed (please make sure our e-mails don’t go to your Spam folder). The code can also be viewed under “Membership” -> account balance.